Activities allow your runners to self report custom alternative activities that can be converted into laps. These activities are accessed from the runners web portal on specific days. You can set the maximum number of times a runner can submit Activities in one day. Submitted activities are then reviewed and approved by an admin before they are converted to laps.
This is what your runner would see from their web portal.
In the sidebar menu click "Activities" then click "Add/Edit/Settings".
To add a new Activity click the green "+ Activity" button in the top right.
"Enabled Activities" are the activities that can be viewed by your runner.
"Disabled Activities" are activities not shown to runners and are intended to be a place to store Activities you will want to use later.
Click the "Edit" button for any Activity.
Sort: This controls the order the activity is displayed to the runner.
Event: If this is for a specific Event, select it.
Description: Describes the activity to be completed.
URL: Link to example video or site.
QTY: This is the number used to calculate the totals in Activity reports.
Laps: The number of laps added when this activity is approved. This is optional and can be set to 0.
Status: Enable or Disable the Activity.
Just below the "Disabled Activities" table is "Preview" and "Settings"
Title: This is the title displayed to your runner just above the Activities.
Max Daily Posts: This is the number of times a runner can submit a batch of Activities in one day. In this case we are allowing two daily submissions. Runners can check any number of Activities with each submission. When the runner has submitted the Max Daily Posts, Activities will no longer be available on that day.
Days Enabled: The days of the week when the Activities are shown to the runner.
Submitted Activities require and administrator to approve them.
In the sidebar menu click "Activities" then click "Approve".
You can see we have 9 pending activities that require approval.
By default the Activities are selected and set to "Approve Selected Activities."
In this case all we need to do is click the red button "Update Selected" to convert these Activities into laps.
Optionally you can Delete them individually by clicking the red "Delete" button or by selecting the Activity to be deleted and choosing "Delete Selected Activities" and the red "Update Selected" button.